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Project Gazaab

​Project Gazaab is an overseas community service project (OCSP) founded in 2009. The predecessor of Gazaab Social Ventures, Project Gazaab is charity-based and run by different groups of students in Singapore Management University(SMU) each year to different locations. Currently the biggest OCSP group in SMU, we leverage on university students' business knowledge to conduct business competitions with high schools in rural regions across 5 locations in Nepal & India and help student entrepreneurs in these rural areas startup as entrepreneurs by giving them grants with no strings attached. 


Our vision is to cast this entrepreneurs as the beacons of light who will inspire and lead their community in the fight against poverty. This is the result of a little thought experiment, and a little belief that social entrepreneurship can be a wonderfully effective weapon against poverty. 

Expeditions go out every year in both December & June. The next expeditions are in December 2012, and applications are open! 

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